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K-TEP » Новости и статьи » Piston pump
— hot liquids at 100 C°;
— viscous liquids;
— liquid and heavy slurries;
— high pressure fruit purees;
Higher performance with any type of liquid. The stroke of the double-acting piston, which is longer than the cylinder diameter, determines a high compression ratio and therefore higher flow rates at lower rpm . In addition to the advantage for the entire mechanical part, this feature ensures a more constant and compact flow and greater suction capacity due to the smaller neutral space. The result is high performance with any type of fluid, liquid or dense, hot or cold, or with a high percentage of gas.
— the parts in contact with the pumped product are made of aisi 304L or 316L stainless steel;
— reversible valve allows changing the direction of flow without stopping the pump;
— the pump is moved by one person, simple, convenient and safe to operate;
— inlet/outlet connection diameters from 80mm. (the condition of preservation of productivity);
— the main technical characteristics of the piston pump VPN corresponds to the modern world level;
— The pump is controlled by an inverter. The control panel can be placed in the operator's room or made in explosion-proof version (option);
With simple periodic maintenance, the piston pump can operate with a long service life. High efficiency with any liquid. High compression ratio and therefore higher flow rates with fewer revolutions. Eliminates the phenomenon of variable pressure. No turbulence in the transported fluid. Less energy dissipation and mechanical wear. Perfect piston alignment and uniformity of thrust ensure the best functioning of gaskets and rings, oil seals. Works under severe conditions
The pump has no problem pumping wines or concentrated must and other products over long distances or at high altitudes (therefore at high pressure), it can suck liquids located at a considerable distance or from a depth of 8-9 meters, in normal conditions, deep cellars, distilleries, on ships, and other situations.
It is possible to change the configuration of the pump (permissible technical parameters) in accordance with the wishes of the customer (buyer).
Send us an e-mail to E-mail:k-tep@ukr.net with your requirements for this type of pump. Let our engineers' brains explode if you are already our customer...
Piston pump
Double-acting piston pump
Piston pump, Ukrainian assembly - The pump is designed for pumping pulp, yeast sediments, wine materials, brandy spirits, blends, non-carbonated soft drinks, carbonated drinks and mineral water... The piston pump meets a wide variety of needs: — corrosive and abrasive liquids such as tartaric acid and wine sludge;— hot liquids at 100 C°;
— viscous liquids;
— liquid and heavy slurries;
— high pressure fruit purees;
Higher performance with any type of liquid. The stroke of the double-acting piston, which is longer than the cylinder diameter, determines a high compression ratio and therefore higher flow rates at lower rpm . In addition to the advantage for the entire mechanical part, this feature ensures a more constant and compact flow and greater suction capacity due to the smaller neutral space. The result is high performance with any type of fluid, liquid or dense, hot or cold, or with a high percentage of gas.
— the parts in contact with the pumped product are made of aisi 304L or 316L stainless steel;
— reversible valve allows changing the direction of flow without stopping the pump;
— the pump is moved by one person, simple, convenient and safe to operate;
— inlet/outlet connection diameters from 80mm. (the condition of preservation of productivity);
— the main technical characteristics of the piston pump VPN corresponds to the modern world level;
— The pump is controlled by an inverter. The control panel can be placed in the operator's room or made in explosion-proof version (option);
With simple periodic maintenance, the piston pump can operate with a long service life. High efficiency with any liquid. High compression ratio and therefore higher flow rates with fewer revolutions. Eliminates the phenomenon of variable pressure. No turbulence in the transported fluid. Less energy dissipation and mechanical wear. Perfect piston alignment and uniformity of thrust ensure the best functioning of gaskets and rings, oil seals. Works under severe conditions
The pump has no problem pumping wines or concentrated must and other products over long distances or at high altitudes (therefore at high pressure), it can suck liquids located at a considerable distance or from a depth of 8-9 meters, in normal conditions, deep cellars, distilleries, on ships, and other situations.
It is possible to change the configuration of the pump (permissible technical parameters) in accordance with the wishes of the customer (buyer).
Send us an e-mail to E-mail:k-tep@ukr.net with your requirements for this type of pump. Let our engineers' brains explode if you are already our customer...
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Piston wine pump VPN-40
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