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K-TEP » Новости и статьи » Мембраны для клапанов ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 8) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 15) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3/4” (DN 20) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1” (DN 25) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1.5” (DN 40) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.0” (DN 50) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.5” (DN 65) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3.0” (DN 80) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 4.0” (DN 100) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD60-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 6.0” (DN 150) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No:DD60-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 8) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 15) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3/4” (DN 20) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1” (DN 25) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1.5” (DN 40) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.0” (DN 50) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.5” (DN 65) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3.0” (DN 80) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 4.0” (DN 100) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD60-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 6.0” (DN 150) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD60-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Мембраны для клапанов ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc мембраны для клапанов
Диафрагмы клапанов ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc. — Мембрана Direct® запасные диафрагмыDiaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 8) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 15) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3/4” (DN 20) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1” (DN 25) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1.5” (DN 40) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.0” (DN 50) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.5” (DN 65) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3.0” (DN 80) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 4.0” (DN 100) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD60-IE7 Diaphragm Direct Grade: E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 6.0” (DN 150) EPDM Diaphragm
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -22 – 285°F (-30 -140°C) for continuous steam, -22 – 302°F (-30 -150°C) for intermittent steam
Diaphragm Direct Part No:DD60-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 8) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD03-IE7 — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1/2” (DN 15) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD05-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3/4” (DN 20) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD07-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1” (DN 25) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD10-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 1.5” (DN 40) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD15-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.0” (DN 50) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD20-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 2.5” (DN 65) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD25-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 3.0” (DN 80) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD30-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 4.0” (DN 100) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD40-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD60-ITFM Diaphragm Direct Grade: TM/E7
Connection: Threaded Pin
Description: 6.0” (DN 150) PTFE (TFM) backed EPDM Diaphragm (2-piece)
Compliance: FDA, USP, 3A, ASME BPE (SG-3.1; SG-3.4), EMEA/410/01-TSE/BSE
Traceability: Full batch traceable according to EN10204 3.1b, and ISO 10993-1
Temperature: -30 – 350°F (-34 -176°C)
Diaphragm Direct Part No: DD60-ITFM — ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, Inc
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